I’ve been asked to take voluntary redundancy, but am currently on Workers Compensation from an accident that occurred at work last year. If I take the redundancy, will it affect my rights for compensation?
Can I Sublet My Spare Room If I’m In A Rental Property
I am currently in a rental property that I was sharing with my partner. (we have since split-up) The rental agreement was in my name only, so I am now stuck having to pay the full rental on my own.
Is it possible to have two valid Wills if they don’t contradict each other?
As a general rule when a person makes a new Will, it will contain a clause revoking all previous Wills that they have made. This is commonly referred to as a revocation clause. If you have two valid Wills signed on different dates, that do not contain a revocation clause the Court will deal with your Wills, in accordance with the principles of implied revocation. More
Drink Driving and the penalties over the Christmas Holiday Season
Double Demerit Points are in operation over the Xmas period, until the 4th January!
Don’t become a statistic!
In a recent Christmas Random Breath Test operation in Sydney’s west arrested 54 drivers over two days for drink driving offences. According to NSW Police, this equates to one drink driver every three minutes.
Pre & Post Nuptial Agreements
Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements are agreements between you and your partner on how you will divide your financial property in the event that your relationship breaks down.
What Happens Without A Will
I have been living overseas for the past six years.
I have been informed that my father has passed away and that he died without any Will, what happens now?